Touch Ups

Hard work truly does pay off–a lesson that the seventh grade STEAM participants learned in the past few days working on the new gym renovation floor plan project. After making what they realized had only been a rough draft for the lockers, the seventh graders realized that they had to go back and edit the work that they had done before, using much more specific measurements.

Since they had measured the gym and lockers with their physical education instructor, they used the simple math skills of scaling and proportion to adjust the measurements they had initially used for the lockers. They learned to work together, assisting each other with the tedious, sometimes tiring work of 3D printing–yet it brought a reward. After all their measurements were immaculate and each student’s model was uniform once again, they were able to personalize their lockers–adding nameplates and playing around with different fonts and colors to give their work a personal touch of their own.

Even better, a few of the students were able to see the finished product of their hard work–the printed models of the lockers! Slowly but surely, the students resolved to get each bit of the gym done, one goal completed at a time. At the close of the 2015 year, they and their instructor included were happy to say that they accomplished their goal–with patience and teamwork.Screen Shot 2015-12-23 at 1.58.18 PM
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