Blog 2: S.T.E.A.M
Physical Fitness
Coach Rohan
Throughout the recent weeks in September, we have learned new skills in the fundamentals of basketball. From the class room to bounce passes and chest passes, dribbling, laying up and shooting, what a process! Many of the children in each grade are beginners in the fundamentals of basketball and fewer of them are advanced. As mentioned in the previous blog, education, sports and physical activities allows that thread to be woven together for enhanced communication, listening skills, working on strengths , weaknesses, leadership skills and team work!
We are heading into the fourth quarter of the year, so every new day it is important to get better in every way. Changing the thoughts of this generation to be positive will lead to better actions. Because their actions are so important to create better habits, as habits become part of their character in the future. We all know how good habits and bad habits can change anyone’s life, so S.T.E.A.M is here to prepare each student for their next level up!
During the process of getting to know these unique children from the Linden SDA school, many of them from each grade has realized they can do anything when they put their mind to it! Believing in the process and understanding that there will be many challenges and changes, these children are learning to have patience.
Our book to lead us into financial literacy, is none other than “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. This book, has shed much light in areas that I have personally needed changes and in understanding the difference between and asset and liabilities.
Coach Rohan’s mission is to mold them into entrepreneurs that can face a world that is constantly changing, which ties into our theme of “Economic Development”. There are more weeks of S.T.E.A.M ahead, so stay tuned!
DIVAS (Digital Interactive Visual Arts Sciences) for Social Justice aims to bridge the digital divide by combining media literacy and cultural awareness along with a vast understanding of technology to encourage young women in under served communities to pursue careers in computer science and new media.
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