Arts and Crafts & Sewing
The students of the Arts and Crafts class will apply what they have learned about basic, back and blanket hand stitching thus far in preparation for the Laurelton Community Quilt project. The students have also been learning much about the Economic development of the Laurelton Community. They have been grasping the definition and the overall idea about what economic development is. Students have also been introduced to general statistics about Southeastern Queens.
Students will be working on an all stitch fabric sample. I will distribute pre-cut 12×12 inch pieces of fabric along with different buttons that each student can choose from. Students have been getting more comfortable with preparing their needle and thread by pulling thread through the needle’s eye (hole). I will demonstrate the all stitch fabric sample activity in its entirety. There will be a review of each stitch that they have learned so far and I will show them how to safely and properly sew on buttons to fabric. Each student will apply the basic stitch and backstitch around the perimeter of the fabric. Once completed, the students will then sew the three buttons on the top of the fabric. Students will then fold the fabric in half and apply the blanket stitch all around the piece of fabric. The purpose of this activity is to ensure that students feel more comfortable with the needle and thread and to apply all that they have learned in one activity. This process will also prepare them to complete the quilt of the Laurelton Community. I will guide each student individually and demonstrate each step when necessary.
As the Arts and Crafts facilitator, I will continue to teach the students how to properly and safely use sewing materials such as scissors and needles. The students will be enhancing their skills in preparation for this project. Overall, I am very pleased with the amount of enthusiasm and focus of all the students with the sewing, arts and crafts and economic development activities.
DIVAS (Digital Interactive Visual Arts Sciences) for Social Justice aims to bridge the digital divide by combining media literacy and cultural awareness along with a vast understanding of technology to encourage young women in under served communities to pursue careers in computer science and new media.
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