Arts and Crafts
In the Arts and Crafts class the students are continuing to create, decorate, and build their own personalized folder. The Arts and Crafts students along with the STEAM Team were excited about the STEAM Community event on April 4th, 2016. The student’s and facilitators worked so hard to create and contribute to the murals and set up for the Community event. The refreshments that were served were a great touch and were greatly appreciated by all attendees.
The students will continue to practice their ability to trace, draw, and cut out shapes for their upcoming activity; creating Mother’s day cards. My goal is to encourage the students to craft personalized and original designs for these cards. The aim is for them to be able to give it to their Mother or guardian for Mother’s day. At the end of this project, the students should have about 5-6 different cards.
As the Arts and Crafts teacher, I was very delighted and proud to see all of my student’s hard work and accomplishments displayed for all to see. The Arts and Craft students were very enthusiastic throughout the event and were very satisfied with the overall outcome.
Elias Moscat
Arts and Crafts Community Event