In 2007, DYCD launched a citywide basketball league in partnership with Nike. The league was created in response to the lack of structured, engaging recreational opportunities for middle school-aged girls throughout New York City. Presently, the initiative has grown into an annual league for more than 3,000 girls and boys ages 10-15 in DYCD-funded programs across the city. In addition to promoting fitness and teamwork through sports, the league fosters youth leadership and provides community service and civic engagement opportunities for all teams and their peers during the season.
The students of DIVAS / STEAM at the Linden SDA location will be participating in the league. There will be two teams composed of both boys and girls. Select members of the 6th, 7th and 8th graders will represent their community. The teams will display the skills and knowledge they have developed over the last few months against other programs from around the city.
The students are looking forward to playing under the whistle, visiting as well as meeting new people in other communities, having the opportunity to be part of an official team as well as most importantly having fun.

Go Team Go!!!
Coach Laps