These past few weeks the Students at Linden SDA have been transitioning from learning the basics of computer programming to starting robotics. To make that transition the 6th and 7th grade students participated in an activity called the “Robot Game”. The plan is that the students will be separated into groups of 3. One member plans how the students get through the paths through creating a flowchart. Another member reads the plan to the third member/ Robot to get through the paths. Each person is expected to do each role at least once. The roles are suppose to represent a programmer (Role 1), user (Role 2), Program/ Robot (Role 3).
7th Grade Linden SDA student writing out the program during the “Robot Game”7th Grade Linden SDA student playing the Robot role in the Robot Game6th Grade student at Linden SDA playing the Robot role in the Robot Game.
Hope everyone enjoys the pictures. The students did enjoy this lesson the most. I have videos too, but those will be uploaded into the DIVAS book file, along with the 8th Graders lessons.