Superhero Project

Arts and Crafts

   During the first two weeks of May, the students were working on decorating several Mother’s Day cards for their Mother or guardian for Mother’s Day. This activity was designed to let students use their creativity skills and apply all of the tracing, coloring and, cutting techniques that we have learned thus far towards the Mother’s day cards.  Fortunately, all of the students have successfully completed all of their personalized Mother’s Day cards and were able to distribute their cards to their Mother or guardian.

The Arts and Crafts students are now working on a new project. Each student has chosen their favorite Superhero character that reflects their personality and can relate the most to. They were able to decorate and personalize a Superhero drawing from the selection that I have provided using colored pencils, crayons, markers, glitter, and other materials. Students will trace and color the Superhero drawings and eventually be able to design Superhero costumes. The students will also continue to apply the knowledge that they have learned about primary, secondary, and tertiary colors when decorating the pictures. Towards the end of the activity, student will be able to watch a selection of Superhero movies such as Batman, Spiderman and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

At the end of the month, there will be a contest that will celebrate the accomplishments of each class. The contest would focus on the students that have the most creativity, the best presentation and has put the most effort into each activity. There will be an award for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd winner per class.  The first winner of each class would then compete for the grand prize of the best Arts and Crafts student among the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.

Students have been enthusiastic and fascinated about this Superhero project. They have the desire to defend and protect their community which is similar to the dedication that Superheroes have for their own community.  The project so far has been very successful and the students look forward to completing this activity to the best of their ability. I am overjoyed to see how excited and engaged my students are with this project and I look forward to completing more Arts and Crafts activities with them.

Elias Moscat

Arts and Crafts Teacher


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