After weeks of preparation, the students finally filmed their first episode of BSMART News. The filming day started off very busy with an off site interview. The students received their first in the field experience. I invited two field reporters and the news director to join me off site. The students learned how to set up the camera and sound for field filming. In addition they learned how to contend with environmental noise when trying complete an in person interview.
Next, we scurried back to the school to join the rest of the BSMART Crew. We attempted to set up the “news studio” and encountered some complications when setting up the green screen backdrop. With some quick thinking and a lesson in gorilla style filming, we were able to create a backdrop for the news desk and film the program.
The students learned that filming can be quite challenging. The new anchors learned that reading from a script for the first time can be quite perplexing. The crew learned that news programs are not shot in one take. The class as a whole learned the bloopers are real and that it happens to best of us under intense filming circumstances. Overall, the students were proud to finally complete an episode. They look forward to producing more content for BSMART News.
Photos by Maya Mitchell
DIVAS (Digital Interactive Visual Arts Sciences) for Social Justice aims to bridge the digital divide by combining media literacy and cultural awareness along with a vast understanding of technology to encourage young women in under served communities to pursue careers in computer science and new media.
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