The seventh-grade STEAM participants have been making enormous strides to the completion of the gym renovation floor plan project. They have officially finished designing materials in Sketchup–from the lockers to hoops, and toilets to bathroom stalls. They have been working long and hard each week to check off each necessary component for the gym off their checklists.
Now, they are entering the second phase of the project–putting all the materials together. The seventh graders spent their last 3D printing class perfecting their designs for the locker rooms, but mostly researching products and materials for the creation of the floor plan. They have ordered their first batch of materials, and with the help of yours truly, begin physical production next week.
Meanwhile, the 6th graders are making progress in the building of the Meccanoid robot. They have already completed building the main frame, the robots’ eyes, and joints of the arm–spectacular progress made in only two weeks!
Both the seventh and sixth graders continue to build–in different ways–but each class is excelling and making large strides in their progress.

-Ms. Semple