Students have been exploring elements of design and how these art elements relate to math as well as other areas of learning. The 6th grade students studied and discussed symmetry in art, identifying it as a type of design either in a painting or drawing where the elements balance each other out. This can relate to objects as well as colors. The students were asked to write their name in cursive letters, and create a symmetrical character or imaginary animal. They had to focus and use the symmetry of the design to create one thing. The first challenge was to recall how to write in cursive! Once the lettering was complete, the creativity was endless.
The 7th and 8th grade students also explored design elements and their focus was on radial balance. They identified radial balance as a type of balance based on a circle with its design extending from the center. Students were asked to create a name design using radial balance. Within this learning process, the students identified and compared how symmetry in art and radial balance in art relates to math with its abundance of lines and shapes as well as how radial balance and symmetry can both be found in natural and human made objects. (Please note that some of the artwork shown is unfinished and still a work in progress).
Grades Six
Grade Seven
Grade Eight
DIVAS (Digital Interactive Visual Arts Sciences) for Social Justice aims to bridge the digital divide by combining media literacy and cultural awareness along with a vast understanding of technology to encourage young women in under served communities to pursue careers in computer science and new media.
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